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The Ternipe deals with the problems of Roma men and women, especially young Roma men and women. The goal of the organization is the integration of Roma men and women and providing better living conditions. Within the organization, there are dance, folklore, drama and sports sections that are constantly active and are frequent guests at various events and sporting events in the local and other cities of Serbia. Human resources are one of the most important values ​​of the association: 10 trained peer educators and 4 peer educators for youth work on various topics (discrimination, teamwork, volunteerism, prevention of early marriages, prevention of human trafficking, prevention of violence, prevention of violence, gender, forum theater, workshops on photography, Roma tradition and culture and many other important topics for Roma youth), 2 certified facilitators for working with mothers and children (early child development), field workers, interviewers, journalists, organizers, administrator and coordinator of the association.

Ternipe has experience in organizing seminars, workshops, forums, public events, round tables. Ternipe operates through education, public advocacy, lobbying, counseling, fieldwork and direct assistance to the Roma community. The activities and activities of the association are: holding public forums, round tables, seminars, workshops, education in all areas; organizing and realizing concerts, plays and performances; volunteerism; youth work; work with Roma women, work in the media; humanitarian actions; networking and cooperation with other organizations.

Cooperation with institutions is of great importance for the organization. Institutions with which the Ternipe Citizens’ Association cooperates are the Pirot City Administration, the Center for Social Work, the Pirot Police Administration, the Pirot National Employment Service, the Pirot Cultural Center, the Pirot Health Center, the Pirot Youth Office, and all primary and secondary schools in Pirot. In cooperation with these institutions, public policies have been created to improve the position of Roma men and women, strategic documents and local teams for better multisector cooperation.

Advocacy and PoliticsLaw